Monday, June 15, 2015

beginning of journey.

I'm choosing this blog because I know that people wont read it right now because as far as they know it doesn't exist, but if and when I choose to share it it will be there to read. i'm not sure how much i will write in this or even if I will make it public but I needed to do something because I am so bored and frustrated in the season of life that I am in that I felt like I needed some sort of outlet.

In this season of life, I am learning the importance of putting boundaries in place. this is something that previously I have not been good at and I know will be a long process but a needed one in order to stay healthy and to also heal from times in my past when I haven't. People say that I am someone who is very private which I have liked in the past means that people will leave me alone when I want it but it also comes with its challenges of feeling lonely and that no one is on your side. This is something that I am working on changing as well.

If someone was to ever see inside my head they would soon realise that their are many wires all connected together somehow with different thoughts and meanings while not really going anywhere go still going some where at the same time.

I have never been someone who was very good with blogs just because i never know what to say and i am always wanting to make sure that i make sense so I just never write but maybe it will change as I get more experience. I am not going to make any promises about how often I will write or if it will be any good but we will see.

a little bit about me before I finish.
my name is Kate, I love Coffee and nature and I am on a journey of finding out who I am and my relationship with God. it hasn't always been easy and I have a few battle wounds to show for it but i am still continuing to choose to follow God in all that he has for me and choose to move forward regardless of the pain I feel. I am hoping that by having this blog it will help me process some of the feelings that i have that i feel like i am so alone in.